Community of Hope Retreats


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Our Mission

So shall the last be first and the first last. For many are called but few chosen.  Matthew 20:16


              The Community of Hope’s mission is to be an outlet for Blessed Mother and to be a place where the faithful can find a community that is devout and orthodox in their Catholic beliefs. We are called to serve God and our community, and there is nothing more important than the salvation of ones soul.


Our retreats began in January 2003, in order to evangelize to the Catholic youth population.  Our retreat team is composed of twelve young adults, who in response to Christ’s charge to preach the gospel “even to the uttermost part of the earth- Acts 1:8", have dedicated their time and energy to sharing their love of our Holy Mother Church and her infinite wisdom in regards to the teachings of the Church.

Our mission is to share the Love and Mercy of Jesus Christ through the sacraments, scripture, personal experience, but most importantly using sound Catholic teachings.

We are called to minister to the young people and the adults who share in teaching them the Truth of their lives.  We strongly believe that days of reflection and retreats are a vital and necessary part of one’s spiritual faith journey.  Our prayer and vision for each one of our retreats, is to draw the teens into contemplating God’s call for their lives.  We strive to bring the youth and Jesus Christ together by providing a faith experience of their own which will begin to lead the teens down the path of salvation.  We aim to empower the teens with tools and knowledge to live in the world but to be not of the world.