Saint Pius V


Saint Pius V


    Born at Bosco, near Alexandria, Lombardy, 17 Jan., 1504 elected 7 Jan., 1566; died 1 May, 1572. Being of a poor though noble family his lot would have been to follow a trade, but he was taken in by the Dominicans of Voghera, where he received a good education and was trained in the way of solid and austere piety. He entered the order, was ordained in 1528, and taught theology and philosophy for sixteen years. In the meantime he was master of novices and was on several occasions elected prior of different houses of his order in which he strove to develop the practice of the monastic virtues and spread the spirit of the holy founder. He himself was an example to all. He fasted, did penance, passed long hours of the night in meditation and prayer, traveled on foot without a cloak in deep silence, or only speaking to his companions of the things of God. In 1556 he was made Bishop of Sutri by Paul IV. His zeal against heresy caused him to be selected as inquisitor of the faith in Milan and Lombardy, and in 1557 Paul II made him a cardinal and named him inquisitor general for all Christendom. In 1559 he was transferred to Mondovi, where he restored the purity of faith and discipline, gravely impaired by the wars of Piedmont. Frequently called to Rome, he displayed his unflinching zeal in all the affairs on which he was consulted. Thus he offered an insurmountable opposition to Pius IV when the latter wished to admit Ferdinand de' Medici, then only thirteen years old, into the Sacred College. Again it was he who defeated the project of Maximilian II, Emperor of Germany, to abolish ecclesiastical celibacy. On the death of Pius IV, he was, despite his tears and entreaties, elected pope, to the great joy of the whole Church.

    He began his pontificate by giving large alms to the poor, instead of distributing his bounty at haphazard like his predecessors. As pontiff he practiced the virtues he had displayed as a monk and a bishop. His piety was not diminished, and, in spite of the heavy labors and anxieties of his office, he made at least two meditations a day on bended knees in presence of the Blessed Sacrament. In his charity he visited the hospitals, and sat by the bedside of the sick, consoling them and preparing them to die. He washed the feet of the poor, and embraced the lepers. It is related that an English nobleman was converted on seeing him kiss the feet of a beggar covered with ulcers. He was very austere and banished luxury from his court, raised the standard of morality, labored with his dear friend, St. Charles Borromeo, to reform the clergy, obliged his bishops to reside in their dioceses, and the cardinals to lead lives of simplicity and piety. He diminished public scandals by relegating prostitutes to distant quarters, and he forbade bull fights. He enforced the observance of the discipline of the Council of Trent, reformed the Cistercians, and supported the missions of the New World. In the Bull "In Coena Domini" he proclaimed the traditional principles of the Roman Church and the supremacy of the Holy See over the civil power.


    But the great thought and the constant preoccupation of his pontificate seems to have been the struggle against the Protestants and the Turks. In Germany he supported the Catholics oppressed by the heretical princes. In France he encouraged the League by his counsels and with pecuniary aid. In the Low Countries he supported Spain. In England, finally, he excommunicated Elizabeth, embraced the cause of Mary Stuart, and wrote to console her in prison. In the ardour of his faith he did not hesitate to display severity against the dissidents when necessary, and to give a new impulse to the activity of the Inquisition, for which he has been blamed by certain historians who have exaggerated his conduct. Despite all representations on his behalf he condemned the writings of Baius (q.v.), who ended by submitting.

    He worked incessantly to unite the Christian princes against the hereditary enemy, the Turks. In the first year of his pontificate he had ordered a solemn jubilee, exhorting the faithful to penance and almsgiving to obtain the victory from God. He supported the Knights of Malta, sent money for the fortification of the free towns of Italy, furnished monthly contributions to the Christians of Hungary, and endeavored especially to bring Maximilian, Philip II, and Charles I together for the defense of Christendom. In 1567 for the same purpose he collected from all convents one-tenth of their revenues. In 1570 when Solyman II attacked Cyprus, threatening all Christianity in the West, he never rested till he united the forces of Venice, Spain, and the Holy See. He sent his blessing to Don John of Austria, the commander-in-chief of the expedition, recommending him to leave behind all soldiers of evil life, and promising him the victory if he did so. He ordered public prayers, and increased his own supplications to heaven. On the day of the Battle of Lepanto, 7 Oct., 1571, he was working with the cardinals, when, suddenly, interrupting his work opening the window and looking at the sky, he cried out, "A truce to business; our great task at present is to thank God for the victory which He has just given the Christian army". He burst into tears when he heard of the victory, which dealt the Turkish power a blow from which it never recovered. In memory of this triumph he instituted for the first Sunday of October the feast of the Rosary, and added to the Litany of Loreto the supplication "Help of Christians". He was hoping to put an end to the power of Islam by forming a general alliance of the Italian cities Poland, France, and all Christian Europe, and had begun negotiations for this purpose when he died of gravel, repeating "O Lord, increase my sufferings and my patience!" He left the memory of a rare virtue and an unfailing and inflexible integrity. He was beatified by Clement X in 1672, and canonized by Clement XI in 1712.

MENDHAM, Life and Pontificate of St. Pius V (London, 1832 and 1835); Acta SS., I May; TOURON, Hommes illustres de l'ordre de St.-Dominique, IV; FALLOUX, Histoire de S. Pie V (Paris, 1853); PASTOR, Gesch. der Papste, ARTAUD DE MONTOR, History of the Popes (New York, 1867); Pope Pius V, the Father of Christendom in Dublin Review, LIX (London, 1866), 273.


Prayer in honor of Pope St. Pius V

O Shepherd- Father, deign to keep Thy mind still on the folded sheep;

plead with the Judge now as of old, for all within the faithful fold.


V. Pray for us, O Blessed Pius,

R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ


Let us Pray.
O God, who was pleased to elect the blessed Pius to the office of chief Pontiff for the defeat of the enemies of the Church, and the consecration of divine worship; grant that we may be defended by his watchful guardianship, and be so intent upon Thy holy service, that overcoming all the wiles of our enemies, we may enjoy eternal peace. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

The Life of St. Pius V and other Saints and Blessed of the Order Friar Preachers (1886)


Litany For The Church In Our Time

Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, Divine Founder of the Church, 
hear us.
Christ, Who warned of false prophets, 
graciously hear us.
God, the Father of Heaven, 
have mercy on us.
God, the Son, Redeemer of the World,
have mercy on us.
God, the Holy Ghost, 
have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity One God,
have mercy on us.
Holy Mary, Mother of the Church, 
pray for us.
St.Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church, 
pray for us.
St.Michael, Defender in the Day of Battle,
 pray for us.
St.Peter,the Rock upon which Christ built His Church, 
pray for us.
St.Paul,  Protector of the Faithful Remnant,
 pray for us.
St.Francis of Assisi, Re-Builder of the Church, 
pray for us.
St.Anthony, Hammer of Heretics, 
pray for us.
St.Pius V, Champion of the Tridentine Mass, 
pray for us.
St.Pius X, Foe of Modernism, 
pray for us.
All you Holy Angels and Archangels,
 pray that we may resist the same snares of the devil.
St.Catherine of Siena, 
pray that the Christ' faithful remnant may oppose the spirit of the world 
St.John Fisher, 
pray that bishops may have the courage to combat heresy and irreverence.
St.Francis Xavier, 
pray that zeal for souls may be re-enkindled in the clergy.
St.Charles Borromeo,
pray that seminaries may be protected from false teachings.
St.Vincent de Paul, 
pray that seminarians may return to a life of prayer and meditation.
St.Therese of the Child Jesus, 
pray that religious may rediscover their vocation of love and sacrifice.
St.Thomas More, 
pray that the laity may not succumb to the Great Apostasy.
St.Fracis de Sales, 
pray that the Catholic Press may again become a vehicle of Truth.
St.John Bosco, 
pray that our children may be protected form immoral and heretical instruction.
pray that profound reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament may be restored.
pray that we may ever treasure the Holy Rosary.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord:
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, 
that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let Us Pray

   Jesus our God, in these dark hours when Your Mystical Body is undergoing it's own crucifixion, and when it would almost seem to be abandoned by God the Father, have mercy, we beg of you, on Your  suffering Church.  Send down upon us the Divine Consoler to enlighten our minds and strengthen our wills.

You, O Second Person of the Most Blessed Trinity, Who can neither deceive nor falter; help us to do Your Holy Will always, especially  during these hours of grief and uncertainty.  May Your Most Sacred  Heart and the Immaculate and Sorrowful Heart of Your Holy Mother, be  our sure refuge in time and eternity.

HYMN: Belli tumultus ingruit

Wars and tumults fill the earth;
Men the fear of God despise;
Retribution, vengeance, wrath,
Brood upon the angry skies.

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

None more mightily than thou
Hath, by holy deed or word,
Through the spacious earth below
Spread the glory of the Lord.

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

Thine it was, O pontiff brave!
Pontiff of eternal Rome!
From barbaric yoke to save
Terror-stricken Christendom.

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

When Lepanto's gulf beheld,
Strewn upon its waters fair,
Turkey's countless navy yield
To the power of thy prayer:

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

Who meanwhile with prophet's eye
Didst the distant battle see,
And announce to standers-by
That same moment's victory.

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

Mightier now and glorified,
Hear the suppliant cry we pour;
Crush rebellions haughty pride;
Quell the din of rising war.

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

At thy prayer may golden peace
Down to earth descend again:
License, discord, trouble cease;
Justice, truth and order reign.

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

To the Lord of endless days,
One Almighty Trinity,
Sempiternal glory, praise,
Honour, might, and blessing be.

Holy Pius! Pope sublime!
Whom, in this most evil time
Whom, of saints in bliss, can we
Better call to aid than thee?

V. Pray for us, blessed Pius.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises

Let us pray:

God, Who, to the destruction of the enemies of thy Church and for the restoration of Thy holy worship didst vouchsafe to elect blessed Pius to be thy High Priest; grant us so to be defended by his protection, and so to remain steadfast in Thy service, that, overcoming the snares of all our enemies, we may enjoy perpetual peace. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Indulgence 300 days)


Saint Pius the Fifth, Pope

by Fr. Prosper Gueranger, 1870

We have already met with the names of several Pontiffs on the Paschal Calendar. They form a brilliant constellation around our Risen Jesus, Who, during the period between His Resurrection and Ascension, gave to Peter, their predecessor, the Keys of the kingdom of heaven. Anicetus, Soter, Caius, Cletus and Marcellinus, held in their hands the palm of martyrdom: Leo was the only one that did not shed his blood in the cause of his Divine Master. Today, there comes before us a holy Pope, who governed the Church in these latter times; he is worthy to stand amidst the Easter group of Pontiffs. Like Leo, Pius the Fifth was zealous in combating heresy; like Leo, he saved his people from the Barbarian yoke.

The whole life of Pius the Fifth was a combat. His Pontificate fell during those troubled times, when Protestantism was leading whole countries into apostasy. Italy was not a prey that could be taken by violence: artifice was therefore used, in order to undermine the Apostolic See, and thus envelope the whole Christian world in the darkness of heresy. Pius, with untiring devotedness, defended the Peninsula from the danger that threatened her.

Even before he was raised to the Papal Throne, he frequently exposed his life by his zeal in opposing the preaching of false doctrines. Like Peter the Martyr, he braved every danger, and was the dread of the emissaries of heresy. Placed upon the Chair of Peter, he kept the innovators in check by fear, he roused the sovereigns of Italy to energy, and, by measures of moderate severity, he drove back beyond the Alps the torrent, that would have swept Christianity from Europe, had not the Southern States thus opposed it. From that time forward, Protestantism has never made any further progress: it has been wearing itself out by intestine anarchy of doctrines. We repeat it: this heresy would have laid all Europe waste, had it not been for the vigilance of the Pastor, who animated the defenders of Truth to resist it where it already existed, and who set himself as a wall of brass against its invasion in the country where he himself was the Master.

Another enemy, taking advantage of the confusion caused in the West by Protestantism, organized an expedition against Europe. Italy was to be its first prey. The Ottoman fleet started from the Bosphorus. Here again, there would have been the ruin of Christendom, but for the energy of the Roman Pontiff, our Saint. He gave the alarm, and called the Christian Princes to arms. Germany and France, torn by domestic factions that had been caused by heresy, turned a deaf ear to the call. Spain alone, together with Venice and the little Papal fleet, answered the Pontiff's summons. The Cross and Crescent were soon face to face in the Gulf of Lepanto. The prayers of Pius the Fifth decided the victory in favor of the Christians, whose forces were much inferior to those of the Turks.

We shall have to return to this important event when we come to the Feast of the Rosary, in October. But we cannot omit mentioning, today, the prediction uttered by the holy Pope, on the evening of the great day of October 7th, 1571. The battle between the Christian and Turkish fleets lasted from six o'clock in the morning till late in the afternoon. Towards evening, the Pontiff suddenly looked up towards heaven, and gazed upon it, in silence, for a few seconds. Then turning to his attendants, he exclaimed: "Let us give thanks to God! The Christians have gained the victory!" The news soon arrived at Rome; and thus, Europe once more owed her salvation to a Pope! The defeat at Lepanto was a blow to the Ottoman Empire, from which it has never recovered: its fall dates from that glorious day.

The zeal of this holy Pope for the reformation of Christian morals, his establishing the observance of the laws of discipline prescribed by the Council of Trent, and his publishing the new Breviary and Missal, have made his six years' Pontificate to be one of the richest periods of the Church's history. Protestants themselves have frequently expressed their admiration of this vigorous opponent of the so-called Reformation. "I am surprised," said Bacon, "that the Church of Rome has not yet "canonized this great man." Pius the Fifth did not receive this honor till about a hundred and thirty years after his death; so impartial is the Church, when she has to adjudicate this highest of earthly honors even to her most revered Pastors!

Of the many miracles which attested the merits of this holy Pontiff, even during his life, we select the two following. As he was one day crossing the Vatican piazza, which is on the site of the ancient Circus of Nero, he was overcome with a sentiment of enthusiasm for the glory and courage of the Martyrs, who had suffered on that very spot, in the first Persecution. Stooping down, he took up a handful of dust from the hallowed ground, which had been trodden by so many generations of the Christian people since the peace of Constantine. He put the dust into a cloth, which the Ambassador of Poland, who was with him, held out to receive it. When the Ambassador opened the cloth, after returning to his house, he found it all saturated with blood, as fresh as though it had been that moment shed: the dust had disappeared. The faith of the Pontiff had evoked the blood of the Martyrs, which thus gave testimony, against the heretics, that the Roman Church, in the 16th Century, was identically the same as that for which those brave heroes and heroines laid down their lives in the days of Nero.

The heretics attempted, more than once, to destroy a life, which baffled all their hopes of perverting the Faith of Italy. By a base and sacrilegious stratagem, aided as it was by an odious treachery, they put a deadly poison on the feet of the Crucifix, which the Saint kept in his Oratory, and which he was frequently seen to kiss with great devotion. In the fervor of prayer, Pius was about to give this mark of love to the image of his Crucified Master, when suddenly the feet of the Crucifix detached themselves from the Cross, and eluded the proffered kiss of the venerable old man. The Pontiff at once saw through the plot, whereby his enemies would fain have turned the life-giving Tree into an instrument of death.

In order to encourage the Faithful to follow the sacred Liturgy, we will select another interesting example from the life of this great Saint. When, lying on his bed of death, and just before breathing his last, he took a parting look at the Church on earth, which he was leaving for that of Heaven. He wished to address a final prayer for the Flock which he knew was surrounded by danger; he therefore recited, but with a voice that was scarcely audible, the following stanza of the Paschal Hymn: " We beseech thee, O Creator of all things! that, in these days of Paschal joy, thou defend thy people from every assault of death!"

Let us now read the eulogy of this Saintly Pope of modern times, as given in the Divine Office.

Pius was born at Bosco, a town in Lombardy, though his parents were the Ghisleri, a noble family at Bologna. He entered the Order of the Friars Preachers, when he was fourteen years of age. He was remarkable for his patience, deep humility, great mortifications, love of prayer and religious discipline, and most ardent zeal for God's honor. He applied himself to the study of Philosophy and Theology, and with so much success, that, for many years, he taught them in a manner that gained him universal praise. He preached the word of God in many places, and produced much fruit. For a long period, he held with dauntless courage the office of Inquisitor; and, at the risk of his life, preserved many cities from the then prevalent heresy.

Paul the Fourth, who esteemed and loved him on account of his great virtues, made him bishop of Nepi and Sutri, and, two years later, numbered him among the Cardinal Priests of the Roman Church. Having been translated by Pius the Fourth to the Church of Mendovi, in Piedmont, and finding that many abuses had crept in, he made a visitation of the whole diocese. Having put all things in order, he returned to Rome, where he was intrusted with matters of the gravest importance; all of which he transacted with an apostolic impartiality and firmness.

At the death of Pius the Fourth, he was, contrary to everyone's expectation, chosen Pope. With the exception of his outward garb, he changed nothing of his manner of life. The following are the virtues in which he excelled: unremitting zeal for the propagation of the Faith, untiring efforts for the restoration of Ecclesiastical discipline, assiduous vigilance in extirpating error, unfailing charity in relieving the necessities of the poor, and invincible courage in vindicating the rights of the Apostolic See.

A powerful fleet having been equipped, at Lepanto, against Selimus, the emperor of the Turks, who was flushed with the many victories he had gained, the Pontiff won the battle, not so much by arms as by prayers. He, by a divine revelation, knew of the victory the moment it was won, and announced it to his household. Whilst engaged in preparing a new expedition against the Turks, he fell dangerously ill. He suffered the most excruciating pains with exceeding great patience. When his last hour approached, he received the Sacraments, according to the Christian practice, and most calmly breathed forth his soul into God's hands in the year 1572, and in the sixty-eighth year of his age, after a pontificate of six years, three months, and twenty-four days. His body is honored by the devout veneration of the Faithful; it lies in the Church of Saint Mary Major. Through his intercession, many miracles have been wrought by God; which being authentically proved, he was canonized by Pope Clement the Eleventh.

St. Pius is one of the leading glories of the Dominican Order. We find the following Responsories and Hymns in the Breviary of that Order.


R. Whilst this new Moses was praying to God on the mount, with hands extended, the perfidious Amalec, Israel's foe, was put to flight on the gulf of Lepanto, * And the victory was revealed to Pius. Alleluia.

V. Whilst he stretched forth the rod of the Rosary, the wicked enemies were drowned in the sea. * And the victory was revealed to Pius. Alleluia.

R. The white waxen Lambs, that were blessed by Pius, gave health to the sick: the bullets that were fired, rebounded: * They that were shot at, escaped injury. Alleluia.

V. They multiplied flour, they quenched fire, they calmed the sea. * They that were shot at, escaped injury. Alleluia.

R. To show the ancient combats of the Martyrs of Rome, he works a great miracle: * Before a crowd of people. Alleluia.

V. He gives to a Christian Ambassador some dust impregnated with blood, which he took up from the Vatican ground. * Before a crowd of people. Alleluia.

R. He wished to kiss the feet of Christ fasted to the Cross; but the feet withdrew, that the life of Christ's dear servant might be saved: * They were covered with poison, and would not be kissed. Alleluia.

V. God forbid that I should glory, God forbid that I should seek to imprint my kisses, save in the Cross of my Lord. * They were covered with poison, and would not be kissed. Alleluia.



Let our sweet organs give forth their glad sound in honor of blessed Pius! Let the joys of this sacred day dispel all dismal storms.

His name in baptism was Michael, and he conquered the devil in battle: he took the name of Pius, and repressed the impious foe.

He was the firm shield against the dangers that attacked the Church: he was the strong sword that mowed down the ranks of the heretics.

He was the zealous Phinees who stood for the defense of the Holy City, that he might protect the Faithful from the scimitar of the Turks.

His strenuous care redisciplined morals; and to impious errors he opposed a barrier of restraint.

Pius had too generous a heart to hide his wealth in a napkin; he threw open his whole treasury, that he might relieve the necessities of his people.

Kind father of the poor, with his hands ever pouring forth charity, he fed and amply provided for his subjects when suffering famine.

We beseech thee, O Creator of all things! that, in these days of Paschal joy, Thou defend thy people from every assault of death. Amen.



Pontiff of the living God! thou wast, whilst on earth, the pillar of iron and wall of brass, spoken of by the Prophet (Jerem. i. 18). Thine unflinching firmness preserved the flock entrusted to thee from the violence and snares of its many enemies. Far from desponding at the sight of the dangers, thy courage redoubled, just as men raise the embankments higher, when they see the torrent swell. By thee was the spread of Heresy checked; by thee was the Mussulman invasion repelled, and the haughty Crescent humbled. God honoured thee, by choosing thee as the avenger of His glory, and the deliverer of the Christian people: receive our thanks, and the homage of our humble praise! By thee were repaired the injuries done to the Church during a period of unusual trial. The true reform, the reform that is wrought by authority, was vigorously applied by thy strong and holy hand. To thee is due the restoration of the Divine Service, by the publication of the Books of holy Liturgy. And all these glorious deeds were done in the six short years of thy laborious Pontificate!

Hear, now, the prayers addressed to thee by the Church Militant, whose destinies were once in thy hands. When dying, thou didst beseech our Risen Jesus to grant her protection against the dangers which were then threatening her: oh! see the state to which licentious error has now reduced almost the whole Christian world! The Church has nothing left to her, wherewith to make head against her countless enemies, save the promises of her Divine Founder; all visible support is withdrawn from her; she has been deprived of everything except the merit of suffering and the power of prayer.

Unite, O holy Pontiff, thy prayers to hers, and show how unchanged is thy love of the Flock of Christ. Protect, in Rome, the Chair of thy Successor, attacked as it now is by open violence and astute hypocrisy. Princes and Peoples seem to have conspired against God and His Christ: disconcert the schemes of sacrilegious ambition, and the plots of impiety which would fain give the lie to the word of God. Avert, by thine intercession, the scourges which are threatening Europe, that has become ungrateful to the Church, and indifferent to the attempts made against her to whom they owe all they have. Pray that the blind may see, and the wicked be confounded. Pray that the True Faith may enlighten those numberless souls that call error truth, and darkness light.

In the midst of this dark and menacing night, thine eyes, O holy Pontiff, discern them that are the faithful sheep of Christ: bless them, aid them, increase their number. Engraft them to the venerable Tree which dieth not, that so they may not be drifted by the storm. Get them docility to the Faith and traditions of holy Church; it is their only stay amidst the tide of error, which is now threatening to deluge the whole world. Preserve to the Church the holy Order, in which thou wast trained for the high mission destined for thee; keep up within her that race of men, powerful in work and word, zealous for the Faith and sanctification of souls, of which we read in her Annals, and which has yielded Saints such as thyself. And lastly, O Pius, remember that thou wast once the Father of the Faithful: oh! continue to be so, by thy powerful intercession, till the number of the elect be filled up!


Prayers of St Pius V,
with the Apostles Creed five times.


I. O my Lord Jesus Christ crucified, Son of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, open thine ears, and listen to me as Thou didst listen to the Eternal Father on Mount Tabor. Credo.

II. O my Lord Jesus Christ crucified, Son of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, open thine eyes, and look upon me as Thou didst look from the tree of the Cross upon thy dear Mother sorrowing and afflicted. Credo.

III. O my Lord Jesus Christ crucified, Son of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, open thy blessed mouth, and speak to me as Thou didst speak to St John when Thou gavest him for son to thine own most beloved Mother. Credo.

IV. O my Lord Jesus Christ crucified, Son of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, open thine arms and embrace me as Thou didst open them upon the Cross to embrace the whole human race. Credo.

V. O my Lord Jesus Christ crucified, Son of the most Blessed Virgin Mary, open thy Heart and receive therein my heart, and hear me in all that I ask of Thee, if so be it be agreeable to thy most holy will. Credo.


Antiphon: Prayers

Pius, admirable Shepherd, ever mindful of thy sheep, before the highest Judge do thou intercede for all believers.

Let us pray:

O God, Who in order to crush them that hate Thy Church and to restore Thy solemn worship, didst vouchsafe to choose Blessed Pius to be thy great High Priest: grant to us be secure under his protection and so to continue in Thy service, that, having overcome all the wiles of our adversaries, we my enjoy a perpetual peace. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen

Our Father, Hail Mary, Glory be

(Indulgence of 300 days)